Skill India marks this year’s International Women’s Day with the campaign, #BreakTheBias to celebrate women, their inspiring stories, achievements and excellence in unconventional job roles.
The objective of the campaign is to break gender stereotypes and create a world free of bias. It calls for a more diverse and inclusive professional future for women where they are supported and not confined to certain traditional/ conventional job roles. Under this campaign and through our motto #Skills4Her, we wish to share success stories of women who chose to be skilled in unconventional job roles and faced all odds to overcome the challenges. The hashtags for the campaign are #BreakTheBias, #Skills4Her and #InternationalWomensDay.
To highlight such stories of women who have benefitted from the Government’s skilling initiatives and schemes.
Below is the Link for the toolkit for International’s Women’s Day contains high resolution files and open files for customization:
The toolkit contains:
• One master creative
• One success story + caption
• Web Banners
• Hashtags
• Logos
• Fonts
• Social Media Covers
• Template to promote on-ground event updates
Suggestive usage of collaterals:
• Social media push
• Web banner on respective websites
• Backdrops and standee for any planned on-ground events
• Social media teams from respective stakeholders can also create respective sectoral videos/ photographs and share them with
Textile stakeholders can post from their respective social media pages and tag the following:
Twitter: @MSDESkillIndia @NSDCINDIA @TextileSSC
Facebook: @SkillIndiaOfficial @NSDCIndiaOfficial @textilessc