Important information for Establishments:
The Apprenticeship Program in India under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 is implemented by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) at the National level. The MSDE has entrusted the Directorate General of Training [DGT] to implement the apprenticeship training falling under” Designated Trades” and made the National Skill Development Corporation [NSDC] responsible for apprenticeship training under “Optional Trades”. For more details regarding Trades & Courses please visit apprenticeship portal
To support the establishments in approving the stipend claim process and to prepare them on the domain specific OJT training and/or Basic Training (BT), below guidelines have been drafted.
A. Commencement of Apprentice Basic Training- During the BT:
- Attendance record of all apprentices is shared on monthly basis to us.
- Periodically share the time-stamped pictures and videos of few selected apprentices along with their identity in form of name or contract number. TSC team shall create a Shared Google Drive specific to the establishment and it is encouraged that on weekly, or any lower frequency feasible, basis the evidence is shared in the google shared drive in a proper hierarchy.
- Share the contact number of the shop floor training Incharge for time-to-time interactions.
- After the BT is complete:
- Declaration on Establishment letterhead of having completed the basic training along with the list of apprentices with name, apprentice code, job role and period of training. Ensure that the name and contact details of the signing authority are clearly mentioned.
B. Commencement of apprenticeship OJT training
Irrespective of the type of program, namely, NAPS or non-NAPS, following need to be followed.
- Periodically (at least weekly) share the time stamped pictures and/or videos of few selected apprentices undergoing OJT and mentioning the identity of the apprentices on shared drive. Emphasis may be on covering all apprentices at least once over the complete OJT duration.
- Pictures and/or videos should clearly show the machine on which the OJT is undergoing along with the view of the apprentice.
- Share a one-time declaration for a quater on the letterhead of the OJT company stating that apprentices as per the below details are undergoing apprenticeship training at OJT company. The authorized signatory of the OJT company should bear very clearly the name and designation.
· Apprentice Registration No
· Apprentice Name
· Opportunity Name
· Quarter & Year
- Emphasis may be laid on the assessment post end of the 2nd Quarter of OJT. The tentative date of assessment can be shared for the apprentices attended parallel to claim disbursement.
- Share the contact details of the shop floor executive responsible for OJT training. He/She at times may be approached by TSC in arranging a video call with the apprentices undergoing training.
Note: TSC faclitate all establishment with the Google Shared Drive for submitting the information. Instruction regarding the same can be downloaded from (Click Here).
C. Assessment Process for establishments:
A very important quality standard for apprenticeship is the performance and employability of apprentices after the training. While establishment assess apprentice on practical skills, TSC would conduct assessment of theory component through an independent third-party assessment agency.
Some Important points for conducting Assessments:
- Only the assessment of theory components shall be covered by third party Assessment Agency.
- TSC would conduct assessment online. Establishments need to prepare the apprentice on the online assessment.
- Assessment cost to be paid directly to SSC before assessment, i.e. 600 Rs per candidate.
- Assessments will be conducted in local language or as per the preference given by establishment.
- Assessment dates to be confirmed 10 days prior before conducting the assessment.
- Establishment shall upload the practical assessment results on the portal. Please refer to the Assessment & Certification – OT User Manual.
- It is mandatory to arrange the theory assessment by TSC before the claims for the fourth quarter can be cleared
In all communications on email, it may be ensured that the email ID registered by the establishment on are used for communication or looped in.
Please write to for any clarification or information.