National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify the standard of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a function in the workplace, bringing together skills, knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. National Occupational Standards are valuable tools to be used as benchmarks for qualifications as well as for defining roles at work.
National Occupational Standards are used to:
National Occupational Standards (NOS) set out measurable performance outcomes to which an individual is expected to work in a given occupation or job role.
National Occupational Standards will support human resource planning and policy development throughout the Textile and Handloom industry. Establishing a nationally standardized skill set for particular occupations helps industry managers clearly define the criteria they need to develop and maintain a skilled work force.
Standards help provide reliable employee evaluation guidelines that reflect industry needs. They identify consistent categories for collecting relevant labour market information, and provide a basis for reliable safety programs.
National standards also help managers and educators design informed instructional training programs, and they support skills upgrading and labour mobility. The Council provides human resource and workplace development support to workers employed by the Textile and Handloom industries. Through its research and work with industry employers, the TSC will aim at resolving issues such as recruiting and retaining workers, facilitating school-to-work transitions and developing sector and career awareness strategies.
Occupational standards describe the knowledge and skills a worker must demonstrate to be competent in an occupation. National occupational standards will help the Textile and Handloom industry create and continuously recharge the human network India needs to build a bright future.
The TSC has developed a set of draft National Occupational Standards for the Textile and Handloom industry. These standards will help provide a clear understanding of the variety of occupations that exist throughout the industry. This understanding will help companies recruit, train and develop needed employees across industries, sectors and regions. National Occupational Standards will also inform and promote effective, standardized training and certification of workers in the Textile and Handloom industry.
National Occupational Standards help Indian Textile and Handloom sector employees plan lasting, rewarding careers by identifying the skills and knowledge needed for a specific occupation. Workers can identify clear career paths, and national standards provide guidelines for certification, increasing individual workers’ opportunities and mobility. National standards will also act as a benchmark for rewarding experience, knowledge and competence.
By creating an available skilled workforce, national occupational standards help increase productivity and reduce operating costs. Standards reduce recruiting costs, provide for better human resource planning, and define a benchmark for performance. Curriculum based on national standards can reduce development costs for employers, and support effective skills upgrading.
Guided by a nationwide committee of industry stakeholders, the TSC has brought employers and employees together to draft an occupational analysis. The draft is validated through meetings, interviews, and online survey techniques. The result will be an occupational standard that’s endorsed by all relevant stakeholders. The TSC will also regularly review and update all standards to meet changing workforce and industry needs.