Textile Sector Skill Council (TSC) has been actively working with National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC), a Government of India Undertaking under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, since the last five years. The objective of the training programs through NBCFDC is to promote skill development and self-employment ventures for persons belonging to Backward Classes.
To take up the training in the year 2020-21, for upskilling and short term skill training programmes, Proposals are invited in the desired format from Training partners, Textile Mills, Institutions, Handloom Societies and Associations having, a) good track record of conducting skilling programmes and b) fulfilling the criteria of affiliation as Training provider as given on TSC website (http://texskill.in/training-partners/get-affiliated-as-training-partners/ ) for the relevant job role. The Training program under Skill Development Training Programme (SDTP) scheme of NBCFDC forms a part of Prime Minister Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi (PM-DAKSH) Yojna of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
Endorsing of the proposals may be carried out by any of the following Authorities, in addition to authorized functionary of State Skill Development Mission:
Concrete proposals along with the information in excel sheet template should reach TSC, both in scanned form and editable form, by email at operations@texskill.in latest by 05.07.2020.
Download Important Attention Points while Submitting Proposal (Click Here).
Download Information on Letter for Endorsement (Click Here).
To Download RFP for training under NBCFDC funded scheme in year 2020-21(Click Here).