What is Group Personal Accident Policy under PMKVY?
Group Personal Accident Policy under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (2016-2020) is a personal accident policy for the candidatesskilled and certified by/through National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
What does it covers?
It provides coverage to the candidates skilled by/through NSDC under PMKVY for a Sum Insured of 2 Lakhs for Accidental Death/Permanent Total Disablement for a period of three years from the policy generation date for the Candidates certified after 31.03.2018
What is Accidental Death?
Death due to Road/Rail accident, drowning, fall from stairs, snake bite, Natural Calamities, the list is not exhaustive.
What is Permanent Total Disablement?
Permanent Total Disablement means Loss of two limbs, two eyes, or One Limb, One eye, and other permanent total disablement from accidental injuries preventing the policy holder from being able to work in the same capacity as he or She had before the injury.
What are the exclusions applicable to this Group Personal Accident Policy under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana?
- Services on duty with any Armed Force.
- Natural death, Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide, insanity, venereal diseases or the influence of intoxicating drugs or Alcohol.
- Medical or Surgical treatment, Death resulting from disease/illness
- Aviation other than as a passenger (fare-paying or otherwise) in any duly license standard type of aircraft anywhere in the world.
- Nuclear radiation or nuclear weapons material.
- War & war like operation, act of foreign enemy, Civil war & similar risk.
- Child birth, pregnancy or other physical cause peculiar to the female sex.
- Whilst committing any breach of law with criminal intent.
What is the Master Policy Number?
A master Policy number is a 20-digit number which is printed on the Certificate
How can candidates obtain their certificate?
Successfully passed candidatescan obtain their certificate either by connecting with the concerned training center/training partner or accessing the same through digi locker.
The master policy number and unique certificate number is mentioned on the certificate (highlighted in yellow) in the above certificate.
What should I Do in the event of Incident/Accident?
Intimation about the accident should be sent to the below mentioned E Mail I.D’s of the Nodal Officer for the Policy.
What papers are required for claim in case of Disablementof Insured?
The papers required for claim in case of Disablementof Insured are as Below:-
- Intimation Letter.(Refer Annexure A)
- Original Claim form duly filled and completed in every aspect.(Refer Annexure B)
- First Information Report (FIR).
- Newspaper cutting, if applicable.
- Authorized Doctor/Competent Authority of Govt. Hospital Certificate confirming the type of disablement and percentage (%) of disablement.
- Report of attending doctor either as a separate document or on the reverse of claim form if Provision is made thereof.
- Investigation reports like laboratory test, X-rays and reports essential for confirmation of the Injury.
What Papers are required for claim in case of Death of Insured?
The papers required for claim in case of Death of Insured are as below:-
- Intimation Letter.(Refer Annexure A)
- Original Claim form duly filled and completed in every aspect.(Refer Annexure B)
- Original Death certificate on the prescribed format as per State Govt. issued by the Competent Authority of Govt. Hospital.
- Post Mortem Report, if applicable.
- Coroner’s report.
- Inquest report wherever necessary / applicable.
- First Information Report (FIR).
- Panchnama, if applicable.
- Newspaper cutting, if applicable.
- Photo ID proof of Nominee.
- Policy Document containing Certificate Holding No.
- In respect of fatal claims the payment is to be made to the nominee named under the policy. If there is no nominee, the payment is made to the legal representative as identified by Will / Probate /Letterof Administration/ Succession Certificate.
Where the above documents are not available, the following procedure may be followed :-
- An affidavit from the claimant(s) that he/she (they) is (are) the legal heir(s) of thedeceased.
- An affidavit from other near family members of the deceased that they have no objectionif the claim amount is paid to the claimant(s).
- Surety bond executed by Gazetted Officers
Who is the Nominee?
A nominee can be any person who has some relation to the Policy holder. A nominee is a potential successor to another’s right. The name of the nominee is mentioned on the face of the Policy Certificate.
What, if the name of the nominee is not mentioned in the policy document?
If the Name of the nominee is not mentioned in the policy document then the succession certificate from the court for the legal heir/s of the deceased will be required.
(Please refer point no. 10 for details).
Where to send the Claim Papers in the event of Claim?
The scanned copies of the documents can be sent to the mail I.D’s mentioned above and the Hard copies/Originals of all documents should be sent to below mentioned address:-
The Nodal Officer (PMKVY)
The New India Assurance Co.Ltd.
Model Basti Branch – 320103
122-124, Model Basti,
Behind Filmistan Cinema,
New Delhi -110005
How to contact the Nodal Office in the event of Claim?
We can be contacted on our below mentioned Numbers:-
- Landline No.011- 23529386, 23516870, 23632002
- Toll Free No. 18602091415
- Mobile No. 7982640317